Friday, November 27, 2009

A War defined with Words

I was born in Lebanon. I have a large family there. I have an even larger family all over the world. The country of Lebanon has been under siege for many years. Wars over land, cultural misunderstanding, money and greed.

A couple years ago Lebanon and Israel clashed once again. In 2006 this "war" displaced more then 1,000,000 Lebanese and nearly 400,000-500,000 Israelis. It lasted 34 days in the South border of Lebanon but the Lebanese people were at the will of a private militia group that is Lebanese bread but has separated its people in half. The ones who believe the Hezbollah is helping them and the others that think they are paralyzing the country. Regardless, this war took a much higher tole on Lebanon then it did to Israel. This video I came across a while back says a lot. Very introspective, deep and emotional. Check it out

Learn more about the war if you'd like here.


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